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Healthcare in the Cloud: Is Your Environment Healthy for 2021?

With 2020 in the rearview mirror, and spring on the horizon, many of us are packing away the troubles of last year and making space for better times ahead. For IT professionals, it might involve a spring cleaning of their clouds, especially in healthcare. Download the whitepaper here.

Historically, healthcare providers have avoided new technologies, including the cloud, for fear of putting patient data at risk, jeopardizing compliance with IT regulations and downtime. There has been a move, however, to increased remote patient management. As in-house equipment costs continue to rise, many healthcare providers are trying to save costs by expanding their presence to a multi-cloud environment.

If you’re one of these healthcare IT professionals, your experience with the cloud might have started with something like Office 365, then Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), followed by AWS and possibly Azure. And now you have a multi-cloud environment that, if not managed properly, can be dangerous, costly, and difficult to monitor and manage. OpsCompass gives clear visibility and management to make sure your healthcare multi-cloud environment is safe and secure.

You might also be paying for cloud resources that are infrequently used or not at all. You could be dealing with unauthorized access to critical resources and regularly searching for the source of unapproved configuration changes. And when the auditors come to call, you might find yourself assigning a small army of IT resources to track down information.

All of this disarray is caused by months of cloud accumulation, possibly even hoarding. Now’s the time to put your cloud house in order, starting with a clear picture of what’s in your inventory.

Start with a better view

This requires complete visibility to know what’s in your cloud environment and when something is added in the future. A single snapshot like the one below can give you that full view and let you know when resources like SaaS-based applications and storage are no longer used. Clear them out and save money.


With the right level of visibility into your multi-cloud environment, you can sort and see by providers, accounts, resource types, and regions from a single pane of glass. Visibility enables complete control over your multi-cloud. You can reduce wasted cloud resources, anticipate your cloud activities’ costs, and receive alerts before they exceed budgets.

Continuously confirm your compliance 

You might start your day off in complete compliance with HIPAA and other regulations. But when a cloud application is added without your knowledge, your compliance score can change in a heartbeat.

That’s why you need the visibility and control to enforce your policies and industry regulatory standards. You need to know your compliance score at any given time, not just before an audit.

Point-in-time visibility into your healthcare multi-cloud is the answer. With better visibility into your cloud, you can confirm your compliance score in the morning while you enjoy your first cup of coffee.

OpsCompass can make life easier by automatically benchmarking every change against compliance standards. This includes the ability to identify and adapt to new cloud services and workloads when they’re added to your cloud. Your compliance score can also be benchmarked against HIPAA, Center for Internet Security (CIS), and National Institutes standards.

Close security risks before they do damage

Changes to your compliance score should also serve as an alarm to potential security exposures. Exposures are created not only by new clouds but also by their management tools, which can be misconfigured and exploited. And when a cloud resource joins your multi-cloud without your knowledge, any number of exposures can occur.

Build a better security posture for your healthcare cloud

To help prevent cloud vulnerabilities, improve your Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). A stronger CSPM provides alerts and tools to enhance your healthcare data and patient information security posture. OpsCompass gives clear visibility and management to make sure your healthcare multi-cloud environment is safe, secure, and able to grow without breaking your budgets or putting your customers at risk.

For more tips and techniques to improve your cloud management for 2021, check out the white paper

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