Release Notes: January 2024

New Features: Enhancements | Data Gathering Scripts


Data Gathering Scripts

  • Base-scripts (v0.3.x) – renames config files
  • SQL Server Licensing Script now captures WindowsFailoverClusterName for Always On Availability Groups.
  • Rename the local copy of configuration files to include the configuration file ID in order to facilitate the use of multiple configuration files
    • New format:configs/{company}/{client}/{cfgFileID}-dgConfig.json
    • The script will pull the file if it doesn’t exist – regardless of auto-update flag
    • When specifying a configuration file, and will now accept arguments consistent with the CLI, –id 1142
  • Rename output files with configuration file ID
  • Add support for SuSE Enterprise Linux 15 to the installer
  • Increase maximum data gathering file size to 500MB
  • Add email notifications for certain failures during file processing
    • Set “Email To” to one or more email addresses (comma separated) under “Problem Alert” on the “Data File Settings” tab for a data gathering configuration file.
  • The meaning of retention days parameters for various file types was changed. Previously, both 0 and 1 generally meant to delete immediately, which was not intuitive. The cleanup was also being done in multiple places. Cleanup is now only performed for relevant files at the completion of a data gathering module. The cleanup logic has been consolidated to common.env, and the following behavior is now consistent across all modules:
    • < 0 means cleanup is disabled
    • 0 means delete immediately after sending
      NOTE: This used to cause problems when gathering multiple configurations simultaneously but should work now since output files will include the configuration file id in their names for easy identification.
    • 1 (default) means delete files more than a day old
    • N means delete files more than N days old
  • Bulk loader now updates optional parameters as well as loading new configurations
  • Fixed an issue that allow
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