Release Notes: October 2023

New Features: Account Scanning On-Demand | Resource Scanning On-Demand | Bug Fixes / Enhancements 

New Features

Account Scanning On-Demand 

Users can now manually trigger a scan of their accounts from the new Manage Accounts tab on the Admin page. It might take up to an hour for the whole account to be scanned.

October 2023 Release Notes
Resource Scanning On-Demand 

Users can now manually trigger a scan of individual resources. They can access this feature by clicking on the Scan Now button on the resource page. It might take up to a minute for the resource to be scanned. 

Bug Fixes / Enhancements 
  • Fixed bug that stopped alternate licensing scenarios from loading. 
  • Fixed bug that was causing the “clear filters” button on the Mitigations and Exceptions page to not visually display a filter was active. 
  • Fixed bug that prevented users from progressing to the next page on the SQL Server Entitlements page. 
  • Fixed bug that was inhibiting the warning toast when too many mitigations and exceptions are selected. 
  • Fixed bug that would not allow users to delete configuration data for Oracle and SQL Server. 
  • Improved consistency and functionality of search bars across the product. 
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