Cloud Cost Management

Cloud service providers often report and attribute cloud costs based on utilization that’s already occurred. You need insight into the actions that drive cost as they happen – not days or weeks later. OpsCompass provides cloud cost management tools to manage proactively, not reactively.

Anticipate Cost in Real Time

OpsCompass cloud cost management tools continuously monitor and highlight cost risks incurred by cloud activities, tracking your configuration state and how it changes in real time. This also allows OpsCompass to detect those changes that have cost impacts – as they happen. OpsCompass uses this cost impact data and enriches it with tag-based reporting and attribution to help you manage your cloud costs.

anticipating costs in real time with alerts
monetary alert and budget limits

Utilize Monetary Alert Limits

Nobody likes surprises when it comes to cost overruns. With OpsCompass monetary alert limits, you can set budgets for individual business units, automatically attribute costs to the units responsible for them, and get real-time alerts if a budget threshold is reached. This gives you a second set of eyes on your cloud spending so you can avoid surprises.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

OpsCompass fills the cost gap between cloud resource changes and when the report showing this change is sent. With native tools and policy implementation, you can restrict spend at a desired threshold, but OpsCompass gives you the ability to actually address the resource before the money is spent.

estimated cost impact of resources

“OpsCompass provided us details that avoided over $10,000 over one weekend.”

IT Director, Large Health Company

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