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Why Free, Why Now?


Why Free, Why Now?

2020 accelerated a lot of existing trends, in society, but also in the technology industry. Remote work is obviously what is on the top of everybody’s minds today, people accessing data applications, all those sorts of things from any number of places all over the world.

Organizations today must have complete control over their cloud data, applications, and infrastructure to securely run their businesses. We built this specifically for DevOps, Cloud Operations, and SRE Teams, the Free Tier of OpsCompass provides a 360-degree view to establish and maintain a healthy and secure cloud environment. Our free cloud inventory and discovery product provides deep visibility into multi-cloud environments and quickly scans your entire cloud estate. Some of the key features of the Free Tier include:

  • Customers can now sign up for and use OpsCompass’ Free Tier right away. This streamlines and automates the set-up process so users have access almost immediately.

  • Immediate deep visibility of all cloud assets on a single pane of glass. Users will have a complete view of the resources in their Cloud, for a 360-degree snapshot.

  • Understand rapidly changing modern cloud environments with inventory and discovery features.

  • Simple to deploy. Users can connect their clouds in minutes.

One of the challenges is that different teams are using different methods or tools to interact with the cloud and make changes. How do you really know what got deployed? How do you know what your overall security posture is? One of the things that OpsCompass is great at is giving you a really fast, and simple way to connect your organization’s cloud and instantly get deep inventory, deep visibility, and real-time visibility into what’s happening in your cloud environment.

Organizations can now see what changed, who made the change, and what it all means. All of information is delivered right to you through OpsCompass,  and it is now available through OpsCompass Free Tier to everyone.

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