This release of OpsCompass brings new features and some bug fixes for some older features.
New Feature: License Manager License Entitlements
The License Manager area of OpsCompass now has a section for License Entitlements, a place for you to store and manage your licenses for Oracle products. Navigate to License Entitlements from the new License Manager Dashboard.

The Entitlements area shows the products you’ve purchased from Oracle, which orders, and how many of the appropriate metric you’ve purchased (processor or named user licenses). It also shows usage limitations and the support begin and end date, where applicable.

Clicking on one of the products shows the details for that product: the summarized totals as well as the individual orders that add up to those totals. These details can be dismissed by clicking the background outside the details or by pressing the “Escape” key on the keyboard.

Add new entitlements by exporting your support data from Oracle and uploading the resulting CSV into OpsCompass. Click on the “Upload Entitlements” button and upload your data.

Once the data has been uploaded and processed, you can review your uploaded data from the notification in the Notifications area or by clicking the “Review Upload” button on the Entitlement Manager.

Users can edit this entitlement data before submitting it by clicking on the “Edit” button. This allows users to add data that’s not provided by Oracle’s export or to add additional information found outside Oracle’s system.

Once submitted, the data will be added to the current entitlement data. Any incomplete data will be flagged for the user to update before submitting.
New Feature: AWS Marketplace Integration
Users can now sign up for a paid OpsCompass subscription using the AWS Marketplace.
New Resource Type: Amazon SNS Topics
OpsCompass now supports Amazon SNS Topics as a resource type for AWS accounts. This resource type has basic support for inventory and drift, though we don’t currently have any compliance checks for SNS topics.

Improvement: Layout for Deleting Data
Users with broad access to a company have a more consistent experience on their “Settings” page for the data they can delete. The layout on this page was not consistent before.